Panel – Playing with Earth: Dramaturgy as a Laboratory

28 Mayıs 2021
16:00 - 17:30
Zoom + Youtube


Kadir Has University Department of Theater Department is holding a panel titled “Playing with Earth: Dramaturgy as a Laboratory” on Friday, May 28th. Lecturer and Dramaturg Aylin Alıveren, director and Columbia University PhD Candidate Ali Yalgın and Asst. Prof. Özlem Hemiş will talk about different aspects of bringing theory and practice together in acting education under the moderation of Özlem Özhabeş.

Date: Friday, May 28, 16.00-17.30
Zoom Meeting ID: 852 2714 7664
Participants: Aylin Alıveren, Ali Yalgın, Özlem Hemiş
Moderator: Özlem Özhabeş

Energy Forum: Assoc. Prof. Sohbet Karbuz

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